I am not trying to be judgmental here but it always puzzles me that couples have been together for 25-30 years only to have ceased any kind of civil conversation between them and their relationship has graduated to such a level that they don’t even sleep together. It is the insights with all the small observations that you make when you visit your relatives or your friends parents, how many of them can you truly tell are together because they want to be together? All those wanting eyes, loving words that you hear and see in umpteen number of romantic movie flicks does it really translate into happenings in real life? Doubting husbands, frustrated wives I guess that is what you look forward to when it comes to being in a relationship for ‘too long’ so much so that anyone who survives the ‘I hate being in this relationship’ syndrome is actually considered one of a kind.
It’s a pity that your honeymoon period just ends with those one or two months that couples are gifted with prolonging that feeling becomes nearly impossible. Kids, In-laws, irking relatives from both ends seem to play quite a role in wrecking otherwise delicate bond.
We don’t have the drive to express..express our love to the one we love. Your wife cooks a good meal for you, do you acknowledge it and say it really tastes good? Your husband comes back home all tired does the wife take the time to massage his back once in a while. Small acts of love goes a long way in keeping the love alive it does not have be backed up with big diamond rings or expensive vacations, small day to day acts of love goes a long way in building lives.
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